
5 to 7 years

This curriculum is designed to foster age-appropriate play skills, social skills and develop skills for independence in social situations. This age group is introduced to topics that increase social interactions and social communication skills while utilizing evidence-based practices.

Sample Topics

Play Skills

Following Rules
Cooperative Play
Card and Board Games

Social Skills

Social Boundaries
Making and Keeping Friendships
Asking others to join an activity
Handling Conflict

Communication Skills

Initiating Conversation
Reciprocal Communication
Sharing personal experiences


Introduce the Social Skills Topic

Model the Social Skill
• Show what the skill looks like

Practice the skills
• Lesson activity and Role-play

Positive Feedback
• Praise correct response or areas of strenght
• Provide guidance on areas of difficulty

Monitor Progress
• Take note on the areas of strenght and ifficulty
• This helps identify areas to work on.